Costa Rica

“Eco-Paradise” tour of Costa Rica.

In late June 2004, Pam and I took a 10-day trip to Costa Rica, where we had scheduled a personal “Eco-Paradise” tour from Big Five Tours. It was wonderful!

Although I was initially skeptical about a trip to the tropics in June, the weather turned out to be fabulous and the forests were spectacular. Indeed, in San Jose the weather was about the same as in New Hampshire; moderate and sunny. Only in the lowland forest was it hot and humid, and less so than in, say, South Carolina at that time of year. In many places we were able to sleep with our screenless windows open… no bugs!

Our first stop was Corcovado National Park, in the southwestern coastal lowlands. Then Arenal Volcano, high in the central mountains. Then Monteverde, on the continental divide. Then back to the coast at a fancy resort called Villa Calletas. On the way back to San Jose, Carrera National Park, and then a day in the city of San Jose itself.

See the photo gallery.

This post was transferred from MobileMe to WordPress in 2020, with an effort to retain the content as close to the original as possible; I recognize that some comments may now seem dated or some links may now be broken.