Curious bear

Momma bear deconstructs my camera…

A couple months ago I circumnavigated the forest property where I keep my wildlife cameras, re-discovering a steep ledgy hillside that I’d seen a few years earlier. The landowner had told me that this area was “bear country”; seeing these granite outcrops, with their many dark nooks and crannies, and jagged fallen boulders, made me understand why. This rugged terrain, with plenty of surrounding forest and nearby sources of water, virtually cried out to as home for bear, coyote, and bobcat. So at the end of April I brought two of my cameras over to that side of the hill. I found a promising game trail and strapped my camera to a tree. Little did I know what would come by, only hours later! Read on to find out.

photo of my wildlife camera strapped to a tree, next to a game trail and a rocky hillside.

Two weeks later I returned to that tree – and the camera was gone. Fortunately, after a brief search I found it on the ground, face up. The strap’s buckle was broken, and the plastic case was scratched with deep tooth marks. Whoa. Check out the video!

wildlife camera, showing a broken buckle and tooth marks on the case.

Nearby, a huge bear scat made clear who had been messing with my camera.

bear scat, as big as my hand

The camera appeared to be otherwise intact, and working, so I tied it back onto the tree. Let’s see what happens for the rest of the month of May!

Author: dfkotz

David Kotz is an outdoor enthusiast, traveller, husband, and father of three. He is also a Professor of Computer Science at Dartmouth College.

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